Sometimes software can help us brew. Here is a few tools to help get the job done as well as some other links to helpful resources providing by the club and its members.

Loanable Assets

The club has either purchased or received as donations over the years some nice equipment for use by our members. Really, all we ask is you treat it as your own.

Yeast Bank

Maybe you like to save your yeast and reuse it from batch-to-batch? If so you might what to check out the club’s yeast bank. Feel free to add yeast you want to share to the list, or ask someone to share a listed strain. This should all be free. The most you might get asked for is some fresh yeast back to maintain the bank.

Decoction Calculator

Here is a simple decoction calculator. Decoction is hard enough, with this you can easily calculate the volume of wort to boil for each step.

Blending Calculator

Do you want to blend two beers and know an accurate SRM and ABV of the resulting beer. This is the tool for you.

Club Bylaws

Every club needs to have rules… we dont have many, but if you want to look them over here they are:


If you would like to share the good word, here are is a flyer you can distribute.