Prairie Schooners Homebrew Meeting 

April 10, 2024

  • New Attendees/New Members
    • Kat M. 
  • Membership Report
    •  83 paid members
    • 483 Facebook members
  • Join the American Homebrewers Association
      • Set Prairie Schooners as your club
      • If at least 75% of your club’s members are also AHA, AHA will reimburse your club’s insurance
  • Treasurer’s Report = $2543.79  (consider purchasing a calendar)
  • Updated Logo
    • New Logos and Iteration of Existing Logos Accepted
    • Submissions Due by April Meeting
  • Yearlong Competition
    • First Round in March
      • Round 1 (Dark Styles)
      • Round 2 ( Floral/Herbal)
      • Round 3 (Fruit/Vegetable)
      • Round 4 (German styles)
      • Final Round (Top 4 – Best of)
    • Individual or Teams can enter
    • Feel free to ask about other guidelines and timeline
  • Social Gathering
    • Need to add one to the calendar
  • Winners of Round 1:
    • Alan H.
    • Jay T.
    • Jeff K.
  • Homebrew Shared
    • American Pale Ale – Brian D. 
    • German Pils – Terry C. 
    • International Pale Lager – Ryan L. 
    • American Lager – Terry C. 
    • Kottbuser – Lance J.
    • Lemon Lavender Honey Ale – Jason J. 
    • Oud Bruin – Ryan L. 
    • Munich Dunkel – Jeff K. 
    • Sour Saison – Don L. 
Categories: Club News