2023 Calendars
The 2023 calendars are available for purchase at $10. They are selling fast so get yours while you can. The recipes included in this years calendar are all award winning beers from years past.
The 2023 calendars are available for purchase at $10. They are selling fast so get yours while you can. The recipes included in this years calendar are all award winning beers from years past.
Welcome New Attendees Kevin (new to brewing) Melissa (new to the club/craft beers) Jason & Amy (homebrewing- started during COVID) Members – Pd. 67/67. FB 468 Congratulations – Bald Buddha Grand Opening Oct. Treasurer’s Report $2500 – Down approx. $100 from SOB Trips/Gatherings SOB – Sept. 3, 2022 Pineapple Wheat Read more…
The 2022 Prairie Schooners / Obed & Isaacs Collaboration competition tasting will take place at the Sept. 14th meeting. Paid club members only; beer’s ABV should not be too high; avoid brews that are dependent on harder to find hops/ingredients (they may not be readily available to O&I’s); no lagers, Read more…