Prairie Schooners Homebrew Meeting 

Meeting Slides

June 12, 2024

  • New Attendees/New Members
  • Membership Report
    • 84 paid members
    • 487 Facebook members
  • Join the American Homebrewers Association
      • Set Prairie Schooners as your club
      • If at least 75% of your club’s members are also AHA, AHA will Reimburse your club’s insurance
  • Treasurer’s Report = $2563  (consider purchasing a calendar)
  • SOB – Saturday, August 31st 12:00 – 5:00
    • Brewing Demonstration 
    • Interested in brewing 
  • Oktoberfest –
    • September 28th from 12 – 6 
    •  Tom Madonia Park West, Lake Springfield 
  • Yearlong Competition
    • First Round in March
      • Round 1 (Dark Styles) – Eric H. First Place 
      • Round 2 ( Floral/Herbal) – Phil M.  First Place 
      • Round 3 (Fruit/Vegetable) – July
      • Round 4 (German styles) – September Meeting
      • Final Round (Top 4 – Best of) – December?
  • Educational Presentations
    • Recent brewing hurdles that you had to recently overcome that would be worth sharing?
      • Kegging
      • Botanicals, Hops, and Grains
  • Interest in Brewing in Barrel – August?? November???
    • Chuck – 5 gallons
    • Brian – 5 gallons 
    • Stan – 5 gallons
    • Don – 5 gallons
    • Riley – 5 gallons
    • Eric, Phil, and Alan – 5 gallons -10 gallons 
    • Tomten – 5 gallons
    • Amy – 5 gallons
    • Chapman- 5 gallons
    • Ryan L – 10 gallons 
  • Officer Elections in August
  • Tastings
    • Ryan L. – Ordinary Bitters with Dutch Hops
    • Karl W, – Hazy IPA
    • Ian B. – “Rumor Has it” Pacific NW IPA 
    • Alex C. – Oyster Stout